On the contrary Diabetes IS a laughing matter if used in tasteful context and I think that goes for most things. Yes, what tasteful is rests solely on opinion but that's way better then being a humorless tool about some internet cartoon in which the most objectionable thing that happened in it was a completely innocent comment about someone saying he has diabetes. Also I've checked some of the flash Mr. "fetuskiller1" likes and I would keep my big mouth shut about offensive material if I were him.
(BTW fetus killing is not a laughing matter, faggot!)
This is the kind of hypocrite who is so brain washed by political correctness that he would say he is offended by a light hearted racial joke when he isn't even the race in question, regardless if anyone else minds or not, including those who are ridiculed, who have more of a right to complain. Sometimes you have to laugh, especially at yourself, otherwise you probably stand a good chance of becoming a pretty warped individual who likes to kill fetuses.
There! How is that for a review? It has nothing to do with the movie at all. Damn I'm good! I should right your responses for you SherClock. Although HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAAAAA!!!!!! is also acceptable.