Absolutely gorgeus
I can't tell you how awesome this movie is. I remember the first time I saw it I was surprised as hell thinking stuff like : What the hell? Since when do Clock movies look like this? Since when is there story structure, dynamic animation, crisp graphics, and beautifully appropriate music? ( I had that music from the Crow sound track stuck in my head for quite a bit when I first saw this)
Of course I was much more ignorant and biased back then, then I am now and failed to realize this is just one of many fantastic clock movies. Even though I have no doubt artists like Fourchinnigans are the ones that inspired many of the great leaps and bounds several Clock authors have taken over the years.
I think Crow is one of the greatest and sadly lesser known CC villains. He has so much depth. Two Clock names, a parody of the Crow, a dramatic back story, powers, a motive. It's just REAALLLY clever and i love that stuff.
I always find that part when Orange tries to defend Raspberry as strangely touching and it's probably my favorite scene. How can you not love that? And for a piece of fruit with a clock as his face to make you feel something is quite a fantastic feet, indeed!
It is a little unfortunate that this is in the anti clock collection for those people who are a bit slow will think the author had it out for CC by making this. I guess the score would of plummeted if it was in the CC collection back in those days. Of course we all know for the most part the Clocks or people who shortly became clocks are the only ones who make decent "anti clock" movies anyway. So if it weren't for stuff like this the anti clock collection would be pretty empty. That's the great irony of the Anti Clock collection. That and it's hardly ever updated anymore. Hahhaa.
I still wish it would also get into the regular clock collection. I probably suggested it years ago but I hope others do. This should be watched by more!