Well sir
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
No good could of come from that thread made by Bit on .net. Did he expect the culprit to show up? No. He made up his mind that we all were the culprits even though technically his info is in the hands of anyone who has access to the net so it could of been anyone. I'm pretty sure he was quite ready to pull the plug on the site waaay before he even made that. Also you make like we approved of the prank call bullshit. Tree said he'd bann the person and we sympathised with Bit's problem but to no avail.
I apreciated his contributions whatever they may of been and have never been ungrateful for that but he made it damn hard to respect him. Also the money he put out for the site no matter how much it may of been, doesn't buy a loyal allegiance if that was what you were insinuating.
Saying shit like "Keep you asses clean! I own you!!" That's doesn't sound like the words of someone that we should put trust into. Now he posted at Clocktopia and said that he will take action on the anyone who harrasses him at work/home. Good. It was something he should have done from the start.
He went out of his way to make everyone mad at him which was a shame. A shame he couldn't leave the group on kinder terms.
However I don't hate him and wish him luck on his future dealings so long as those dealings don't cause anymore shit for CC and he no longer has any power over it.
I would of liked to say something about the movie in general but it was just a rant with stagnant images so there wasn't much to talk about there.
Worst of all you are causing random Newgrounds viewers to 5 it because they agree with the anti-clock statements made by Bit. Yes they are that stupid Milkshake. Sorry to inform you of this be aware it's easy to add to the ignorance of this place. Someone who reviewed thinks we are Glock for cripes sake.
Maybe if you weren't so biassed and if it was written better. Sure we need more love and but this failed to convince me since I've been pretty active during the time you were detailing and it wasn't nearly as accurate as it could of been.
Oh and tell Revolutionary I liked his flag! Good old Flash 8 effects.
Sorry for being so harsh. I did save the movie if it's any consellation. It's only fair I suppose to have something proBit in the portal in the midst of the anti ones even if it is propaganda.